Ch. Muhammad Nusrat Tahir
Pakistan Poultry Association (NR)
I have been associated with and involved in the Poultry Industry of Pakistan for many years. When I look back at the evolutionary process of commercial poultry farming in our country, I am reminded of several individuals. Though they were all a diverse set of people, farmers, entrepreneurs, scientists, nutritionists, and technologists, they were all men of understanding and vision.
They realized that affordable high-protein food was a primary need. They foresaw at a very early stage that urbanization, industrialization, and a very rapidly multiplying population, will combine to progressively shrink agricultural areas which in turn will severely tax food resources. They clearly understood that they had a major dilemma on their hands, which if not resolved, will quickly put high-protein food beyond the reach of the common man.
Thanks to their collective wisdom, these dedicated people set their goals and embarked upon their mission way back in the early 60s. Many will remember the commencement of commercial poultry farming in Pakistan with the introduction of the “PIA- Shaver”. With the creation of the Pakistan Poultry Association, a much-needed centralized National platform became available to Pakistan’s poultry sector and the traditional backyard poultry-rearing culture quickly transformed itself into a vibrant industry in our country.
It is no small feat that poultry today has established itself as a major high-protein food resource for our population of 200 million people at generally affordable prices. It is truly creditable that commercial poultry farming has stemmed the onslaught of the rapidly depleting mutton and beef resources. The poultry sector generates employment and income for about 1.5 million people directly and indirectly. Pakistan Poultry Association is providing affordable protein at less cost than vegetables even. We must encourage our people to take more chicken and eggs to fulfill the requirement of a healthy body. An indigenous supply chain from parent stock to farms, produce at retail outlets in each and every corner of the country, matches international aspirations.