Malik Muhammad Sharif
Vice Chairman
Pakistan Poultry Association (NR)
I have been associated with and involved in the Poultry Industry of Pakistan for many years. When I look back the evolutionary process of commercial poultry farming in our country, I am reminded of several individuals. Though they were all a diverse set of people, farmers, entrepreneurs, scientists, nutritionists, technologists, they were all men of understanding and vision.
The purposes of The Pakistan Poultry Association is to promote and protect all poultry interests relating to production, distribution, merchandising and consumption of poultry and poultry products; to disseminate information relating to the various phases of the poultry industry in order to improve and expand markets; to increase efficiency in production and marketing

Farmer Education
Poulry farming in Pakistan was mostly a backyard venture till 1960s. Indigenous chicken constituted the major share. Their productivity was around 60-70 eggs per bird per year.

Consumer Education
Poulry farming in Pakistan was mostly a backyard venture till 1960s. Indigenous chicken constituted the major share. Their productivity was around 60-70 eggs per bird per year.

History of Poultry
Poultry industry has very strong roots in Pakistan as we just can’t see our dinner or lunch without chicken. That’s the main reason that the poultry industry flourished in last few decades